Research Validated Curricula
The Exalt team systematically evaluates high-quality curricula and practices against rigorous selection criteria on an ongoing basis. To be accepted for use, a particular program must demonstrate that it has six primary qualities:
1. Meets the unique needs of low-income students.
Children who grow up in poverty conditions have specialized needs. We select curricula that have demonstrated success in serving our student population.
2. Supports the differentiation of instruction to meet every child’s needs.
The curricula and methods we use enable teachers to identify and meet a continuum of individual learner needs as fluidly and effectively as possible.
3. Is aligned with standards and assessments.
Compelling evidence must be available to demonstrate that the curricula can be used to produce quantifiable learning gains on valid-and-reliable state and national assessments. The curricula must be fully aligned with both the Common Core national standards and state learning standards.
4. Enables consistency of implementation.
Programs must equip a diverse group of teachers and administrators with the ability to deliver and support instruction readily, consistently, and effectively across multiple subject areas and grade levels.
5. Is cost-effective.
Schools that serve low-income students must do more with less. Programs must be cost-effective in order to be rationalized against many other competing resource demands.
6. Features high quality support.
Instructional coaches, technical experts, and educational resources must be available to support program implementation across multiple states.